

- advent bucharest
- village exhibition
- caragiale sculpture set
transsylvanian cities
painted churches
danube delta
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romania is a country in south-eastern europe, east of hungary and north of bulgaria, bordering on the black sea. about 2000 years ago the kingdom dacia florished, which soon became part of the roman empire. modern romania is independent since the fall of the soviet union in 1989.
population: 19.3 mio, capital city: bucharest.
i've visited romania twice, 1971 and 2011 (bucharest only).
beside bucharest, romania has three special areas, the transylvanian cities, like brasov and cluc and sibiu, which have a german history, the danube delta, and the painted churches in romania's north-east. all have world heritage status.
unfortunately, a major section of the photography from the 1971 visit has gone lost. thus only selected pictures are shown below.

Endline design with camera