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Cartoon Vienna

the austrian capital vienna is a large city located at the river danube, east of the alps mountain chain.

Cartoon Vienna

settlement in the vienna area began 500 b.c., by celts. in 15 b.c. the roman empire fortified a town they called "vindobona". crucial historic events happened in 1529 and 1683 when the ottoman army tried to reap vienna yet failed. in the 19th century vienna was a powerhouse in europe.

in the following, a set of selected paintings, maps and pictures shall provide an impression of this famous city.

Wien historic street painting Wien painting

Vienna map

Vienna map

Vienna Karls Church

Vienna Karls Church detail Vienna Karls Church detail

Art deco metro station

Art deco metro station

Art deco metro station

Schoenbrunn Botany Building

Schoenbrunn Botany Building

Vienna histpric clock

just one additional remark - there are many famous vienna citizens, above all (in my view) beethoven, freud, hundertwasser, mozart.....

Endline design with camera