
Syria features

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Syria is a country located in the "Levant" region in the western Asia area, surrounded by Turkey, Irak, Jordan and, in a small section, by Israel. Population: 23 mio residents.

By the way, during the Roman Empire Syria and Lebanon belonged to the same Roman province. This was also the case in various later times.

I have visited Syria in 1978, as part of a large travel to Lebanon&Syria&Jordan, plus Jerusalem in Israel - - so this was before Syria got involved endlessly in wars!

Technology remark:
All my pictures were made with cameras. Until 1978, most of my photography was done to create printed pictures for voyage albums. Of those, just a few got later scanned, to create digital pic's. These are presented in the following galleries, plus some general images of those locations (based on my trip diary).Slide format, for creating slide series, I've used since 1975 and made my standard in 1979. Since 2000 all photo series are based on digital pic's, using "dsrl" mirror cameras (mostly 35-mm-format ones) with a set of 'normal' or 'zoom' objectives.

Endline design with camera