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israel, a country which is in war status for many decades, claims legendary jerusalem as its capital. jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world - it has been inhabited for 5000 years. its first true king was david. jerusalem has been conquered many times and ruled by, among others, egyptian, assyrian, roman, arabic (in 638 a.d.), european (very briefly) and ottoman empires.
from 1917 to 1948 it was part of the "british mandate", then 1948-1967 ruled by israel and jordan, and since then by israel, which occupies arabic east-jerusalem. however, palestine claims east-jerusalem as its capital.
jerusalem is a holy city for jews, christians and muslims. the old part of jerusalem within the historic city walls (see the map, created 1541) abounds with eminent buildings, especially temples, churches and mosques, including the famous "dome on the rock" on the temple mount, one of the most impressive buildings ever created.

damascas gate

old christian buildingsold city with arabic and christian buildings

church holy sepulchre

holy sepulchre insidemosaic early christian church

triligual sign

alaksa mosque

muslim mosque tower muslim tower

dome on the mound

temple on the mount entry

temple facadetemple facade

temple facade

Endline design with camera