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pyramiden is an ex-coal-mining town owned by russia. it was established by swedish miners and 1927 taken over by the sowiet union. in its prime time about 1000 russians lived there. the 'compulsory' lenin statue is the most northerly one. the town was fully supplied with facilities such as an art center, theatre, library, school and sport provisions, including a swimming pool.

in 1998 russia closed pyramiden rather suddenly, and all residents left. since then it is kind of a ghost town - yet almost all buildings and technical instalments are still in place, and the final coal digging is well visible. in recent years pyramiden has become a target for svalbard tourists.

Pyramiden Russian ex village Pyramiden city symbol Lenin statue


Pyramiden buildings


Red house Brick wall windows birds

Pyramiden art bird Pyramiden art

Old telephone

walking through such a dead yet often alive-looking settlement is actually a weird experience!

Endline design with camera