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- sailship in harboure(preview)
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northern harbour towns (preview)
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the country of norway, a kingdom (still) is located in northern europe, west of sweden. it is stretching far north to europe's north cape, and it includes the svalbard islands towards the north pole. population: 5.4 mio, capital: oslo.

history, briefly:
:: 872: kingdom established, valid ever since.
:: 750 to 950: prime time of norwegian vikings.
:: 870 to 1010: discovered iceland, settled in greenland, detected america ("vinland").
:: 1537 to 1814: norway was a part of the kingdom of denmark and norway.
:: 1814: lost old norwegian provinces of iceland, greenland, and faroe islands to denmark.
:: 1814 to 1905: personal union with the kingdom of sweden.
:: 1905: fully independent again.
:: 1911: roald amundsen and his team first at south pole.
:: 1940 to 1945: occupied by germany.

i gave norway many visits - first one: 1967 (dk+n+s) (whole coast up to the north cape); 1977 (oslo); 1979 (n+sf); 1987 (dk+n); 1991 (trondheim?); 1994 (oslo) 1997 (oslo); 2005 (oslo); 2007 (oslo); 2010 (oslo, tromso, spitzergen); 2014 (oslo, bergen - ship tour and trains); 2019 (oslo, telemark). all trips were conducted in summer or autumn.
regarding my photography: until 2000 these were made first for picture booklets, then for slide projection. of those, only parts were later scanned to create computer pictures, used in this essay.

Endline design with camera