now pictures from a short berlin travel ... being back there after ten years or so, i was stunned by what a feast of architecture the (now again) german capital is... surely the "brandenburger-tor" is the most photographed building in berlin ... but the "spandauer-platz" is the place to go for the latest architecture - a dozen quite amazing buildings have been erected there in the last few years! some decades ago, a (then) modern building was erected besides the ruin of the (pseudo-)classical "kaiser-wilhelm-gedaechtnis-kirche" (a church in honor of one of the prussian emperors) - - and now the burnt-out "reichstag" (federal parliament) has been restored, eventually, mostly in the original (pompous) style, but with a hyper-modern dome ... in my view this is the finest piece of new architecture in berlin!

Endline design with camera