
vancouver city features
native art in b.c.
toronto metropolis (in prep)
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canada is a very large country in north america. it has 37 mio residents. its capital is ottawa, the largest city is toronto (2.7 mio). originally it was established by settlers from great britain. canada's indigenous population is about 5%. about 10% of the residents have an east-asian background.
the variety of sceneries in canada is enormous, reaching from highly urbanized areas to hardly populated countrysides. in the north harsh polar landscapes dominate.

on this website, vancouver and native art will be described.

three visits to canada were made:
1980: trip using a rental car: halifax, quebec, montral, ottawa, toronto.
1995: south-west coast: vancouver, victoria island.
1997: vancouver (2 months.), then train trip to jasper, edmonton, winnipeg, hamilton, toronto.

Pacific railway

regarding my photography, only photos from vancouver-city and from traditional art museums are still available. these were slides, got later scanned, and are now presented in the two galleries listed above.

Endline design with camera